
6. osztály_digitális oktatás_a június 8-i feladatok megoldásai

1.       köztársaságnak 2.       császárrá 1.       gyűlést 2.       forradalom 3.       kellett 4.       lefejezték 5.       küldték 3. I, H, I, H, H 4. társadalmi, törvény, kontinentális Angol feladat Which country was not mentioned as a member of the alliance against Napoleon? a)       Britain b)       Russia c)       Prussia d)      Spain Does the story of the film play after the battle of Leipzig (Lipcse) or not? after Why did he commit suicide? a)       He had a serious illness. b)      He lost his battles and wanted to die before his enemies capture him. c)       He did not commit suicide; he was poisoned by one of his commanders. d)       After the lost battles his wife left him. Which title had Napoleon after his exile? a)       nothing b)       the Emperor of France c)       the Emperor of Elba d)       the King of Italy What was the first experience of the revolution for Napoleon?