6. osztály_digitális oktatás_a március 26-i feladatok megoldásai


1. H, I, I, H, H


1.      Washington
2.      gyarmat
3.      Jefferson
4.      Philadelphia
5.      Versailles
6.      elnök
7.      függetlenség
8.      tea
9.      blokád
10.  Kongresszus



Függetlenségi, bostoni, USA

Angol feladat

1.       What was the second English town in North America?
2.       How many British colonies emerged by the middle of the 18th century?
3.       Which country owned the territory of today’s Canada?
4.       On which side did the Indians fight in the French-English wars?
by the Frenchs
5.       What is the other name of the French and Indian War?
Seven years’ war
6.       What was the western border of the British territories after the French and Indian War?
the Mississippi river
7.       What was the slogan of the Americans against the British government?
No taxation without representation.
8.       Where was the Tea Party?
In Boston
9.       In which year did the Revolutionary War start?
In 1775

Angol feladat:

1.      A country situated in Europe. It was a republic. The Netherlands
2.      A kingdom in Europe where the parliament was in charge. England
3.      A continent which was named the “new world”. America
4.      The …………………. of America were the Indians. Natives
5.      It was the name of a ship, by which pilgrims went to America. Mayflower
6.      It is a fish usually live in the see. Eel
7.      Suffer from hunger. To starve
8.      A person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. Pilgrim
9.    A group of people who work on and operate a ship. Crew
Horrible Histories: Pilgrim Rap
Translation in progress. Please wait...
We're the pilgrim fathers
You may have heard rather
A lot 'bout our notions
Crossing the ocean
On the good ship Mayflower
But it's true our journey
Turned into quite a commotion.

People report that we sported these hats
But that's not true, I mean, would you?
Anyway the main thing to say
We began the USA
With our little band of religion fans
From the East Midlands.

We all believed slowly
That England was becoming less holy
So set off for Holland
'Cos there we had friends
But in the end seemed the Netherlands
Would never be the land, we planned.

Couldn't stand to remain on that terrain
So again we rearranged
To start a new nation with our congregation
A new and calmer life took a farmer and a builder and his wife
And a clerica, to find America.

Oh it's a new world
It wasn't new to the natives
Still we thought we'd claim it
Yeah, it's the new world.

I still remember 9th of November
The year 1620 and we saw plenty of land
We thanked God when we found ground
I kept calm but it didn't go as planned.

Couldn't land on the sand
A month later though, we made it
New Plymouth man, we claimed it
The natives said not
But ran when we shot.

Moved there it proved yeah
That life would be tough
'Cos we didn't have enough
Of the right stuff.
Did you know had no seeds we could grow
Though William Mullins had stacked
126 pairs of shoes in his pack
Now that's whack.

A fishing rod, a plough,
A pig, or a cow
Would have been a much better idea
But now there's no food for us to eat
Does this mean that with de feet!

No fun in the new world
I'm glad we've arrived here
But will we survive here
Yeah, in the new world.

People were starving
Our numbers halving
And when the winter winds blew
Even fewer live through
It wasn't pretty in our new city
But the natives took pity even though
They didn't have to.

Man called Squanto
Taught us how to grow maize
Catch eel for a meal
Chopped up in the base
They gave us a feast
Our starvation ceased
In 1621 what they had done
Turned us back from the dead
To the living and to this day
That's why we have thanks-giving.

In Massachusetts built a colony it's true
They say modern America was founded by our crew
It's a new world
But we can't call it England
Let's call it new England
Yeah, in the world.

My home was in Plymouth
Lets call it New Plymouth
I got an idea lets call this New Hampshire
Wait I'm from Newcastle
Can we call it New Newcastle?
It's a new world.

The Enlightment

The leading thinkers of Enlightenment
·         had confidence in the human mind inspired by science and exploration;
·         had faith in the power of reason
·         measured and criticised customs and traditions of the day against the rationality of the physical universe;
·         applied the rules of reasons and common sense to the practices and institutions of the day;
·         wanted to reform thought, society and government for the sake of human liberty;
·         wanted freedom from arbitrary power freedom of speech, and freedom to realise one’s talent


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